Hedge funds has finally took its best energy stocks .To know them all, Insider Monkey provide us a great posting with regards to " Best Energy Stocks Picked by Hedge Funds".
Hedge funds usually devote significant resources in researching stocks. In order to get a thorough understanding of a stock, they do many things that ordinary investors don’t have the time and resources. For example, equity analysts sometimes conduct on-site visits to companies they study and build up close relationships with management teams. As a result, hedge funds sometimes have access to borderline material non-public information and some hedge funds even trade on such information (see David Einhorn’s insider trading case). Hedge funds have an advantage over ordinary investors even when it comes to analyzing “public” information. Information cost time, money, and expertise to acquire. Hedge funds generally do a good job and ordinary investors can benefit simply by imitating their investments.
In this article, we are going to take a closer look at a few energy stocks with the most number of hedge funds. Please go to Insider Monkey for the full article about energy stocks.
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