Usually CRAs follow a simple, subscriber-based business model to achieve some income. This model involves releasing publications but not distributing them for free, but to receive a fee from its subscribers and provide the publications only for them. For more details, see the website of Insider Monkey to see the full post about the largest credit rating agencies in the world.
Thoughts and Observations on Turkish Economy and financial markets. Turkiye Ekonomisi, Borsa, Dolar, Altin, Faiz, Teknik Analiz, Grafik, Hisse Senetleri...
Friday, September 27, 2013
The 10 Largest Credit Rating Agencies In The World
Do you know anything about credit rating agencies? Then, you must know the largest credit agencies in the world. Insider Monkey brings us a blog post about "The 10 Largest Credit Rating Agencies In The World". A credit rating agency (CRA) is a company that assigns credit ratings for companies, entities, governments, and state or local governments who are issuing some kind of debt obligations, like bonds that can be traded on secondary markets. A CRA often analyzes debt instruments themselves. Credit ratings involve opinions about credit risks. They refer to ability or obligations of the issuer to complete its financial responsibilities in accordance with the bonds that are issued.
Usually CRAs follow a simple, subscriber-based business model to achieve some income. This model involves releasing publications but not distributing them for free, but to receive a fee from its subscribers and provide the publications only for them. For more details, see the website of Insider Monkey to see the full post about the largest credit rating agencies in the world.
Usually CRAs follow a simple, subscriber-based business model to achieve some income. This model involves releasing publications but not distributing them for free, but to receive a fee from its subscribers and provide the publications only for them. For more details, see the website of Insider Monkey to see the full post about the largest credit rating agencies in the world.