Thoughts and Observations on Turkish Economy and financial markets. Turkiye Ekonomisi, Borsa, Dolar, Altin, Faiz, Teknik Analiz, Grafik, Hisse Senetleri...

Friday, January 01, 2010

Orhan Yasar Celik

This person has been stealing content from my website for quite some time and it took me a month to take his websites down. Yes he had 4 different websites, one about gold prices, another about macro economics, and about foreign exchange, and the final stole whatever he could find. His name is Orhan Yasar Celik. I wrote a bunch of articles and under the category name Orhan Yaşar Çelik.This article is my attempt to keep the issue alive and don't let him get away with this horrible act.

He had several other victims, probably more than 100. He was using some scraping software to steal content from more than 100 blogs.